Perform to your best
A coach is more than just a person with all of the detail, they are someone who can guide individuals in a way that is specific to them.
Personal Performance Coaching
Conditioning programmes to outline general preparation to succeed on a specific Vertical Gain™ Break-away will be posted on the website and be accessible for you to check your readiness for an event. Alongside this, Gary has space for 10 clients to receive bespoke, customised training programmes unique to them. Is this for you, and why choose Gary to coach you? That’s a great question, and here is the reason why;
Racer Turned Coach
In the 1990’s, Gary was one of the first athletes to completely sign up to accurate monitoring during training and racing, employing a coach of his own to guide him through high performance sport. His degree in Sports Science should have enabled him to coach himself you might be thinking. Well, a coach is more than just a person with all of the detail, they are someone who can guide individuals in a way that is specific to them. Gary wanted guiding, so he paid for the service and to this day is glad he did too.
Once the racing career was over, a coaching career began, with Gary becoming the National Coach for the British Mountain Bike Team, leading athletes to National, Commonwealth, European and World titles, along with coaching through two Olympic cycles and maintaining close ties with some of our best riders to this day. Combine this with Gary’s personal accomplishments in business and his riding capabilities to date, then we have confidence in delivering the right training schedule for any athlete at any level. Organised planning and dedication can work for the busiest of individuals, but the most talented athletes can lose their way without a well considered training load and a coach to confide in.
Other Vertical Gain™ performance services include Bike Fitting and Custom Footbeds.
Our performance studio is located a bodyy® Healthcare in Milford.
bodyy® Healthcare
Home Farm
Main Road
ST17 0UW
Price and Timing
Contact Gary to discuss the options that would work for you.
If you are struggling with any aspect of your bike comfort or performance make a booking, we’ll find those improvements.

Book Your Gains
Once your booking is submitted one of our team will be in touch to finalise details and dates.
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